The Arduino is a 8 bit micro-controller board. This means , that it can send and recieve data in 8 bits only. It runs on an IC made by a company called Atmel. You will see it inscribed on top of the IC.
Arduino UNO usually runs on Atmel 168. This link will take to the datasheet of the IC:
These ICs employ the AVR architecture which was conceived by two students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. This architecture ( meaning the layout of circuit components on the IC) , took the micro-controller industry by storm.
Current AVRs offer a wide range of capabilities. These include :
1. Integrated SRAM , EEPROM and Flash memories. This negates the requirement of connecting external memory elements. (The bootloader program , and the one you upload are stored here)
2. Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters.
3. USB support and endless other functionalities.
Read more :
The Arduino itself was conceived by Massimo Banzi. The creators of Arduino named it after a bar where they met often.
If you have ever wondered what the silvery thing below the IC is - it is the clock signal generator. Basically a quartz crystal that oscillates at the frequency of 16MHz. Some circuits are clocked, which means their operation is dependent on a clock signal. The circuit operates only during half the clock cycle. This is helpful for many bit operations.
The small thing next to the USB connector is the FTDI chip , which is the USB to serial adapter. You probably installed an FTDI driver when you powered up the arduino with your computer for the first time. Now you know why.
There are two L.E.Ds on board with the tx and rx marking. tx(transferx) and rx(receivex) light up whenever data is transferred or received by the board respectively. You see them light up when you upload a program to the Arduino using your computer. These two (tx and rx) are available through pins 0 and 1 on the arduino. You will use these when use Xbee radio chips with the arduino.
The ICSP pins are used to program the arduino with a external programmer , if you decide not to use the user friendly IDE built for us.
The reset button needless to say, makes the arduino start from square one.
The Arduino gives you 13 input/ output digital pins. Of these 6 are PMW (pulse width modulation) enabled. There are three ground pins and 6 analog input pins.
There are many variations of the Arduino:
The Arduino hardware specifications are openly available, which means you do not need to buy the board. If you have the heart , you can build it from scratch.
Time now to put your creative hats on and make something wonderful. See you around :)
Arduino UNO usually runs on Atmel 168. This link will take to the datasheet of the IC:
These ICs employ the AVR architecture which was conceived by two students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. This architecture ( meaning the layout of circuit components on the IC) , took the micro-controller industry by storm.
Current AVRs offer a wide range of capabilities. These include :
1. Integrated SRAM , EEPROM and Flash memories. This negates the requirement of connecting external memory elements. (The bootloader program , and the one you upload are stored here)
2. Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters.
3. USB support and endless other functionalities.
Read more :
The Arduino itself was conceived by Massimo Banzi. The creators of Arduino named it after a bar where they met often.
An interesting interview of Massimo Banzi :
If you have ever wondered what the silvery thing below the IC is - it is the clock signal generator. Basically a quartz crystal that oscillates at the frequency of 16MHz. Some circuits are clocked, which means their operation is dependent on a clock signal. The circuit operates only during half the clock cycle. This is helpful for many bit operations.
The small thing next to the USB connector is the FTDI chip , which is the USB to serial adapter. You probably installed an FTDI driver when you powered up the arduino with your computer for the first time. Now you know why.
There are two L.E.Ds on board with the tx and rx marking. tx(transferx) and rx(receivex) light up whenever data is transferred or received by the board respectively. You see them light up when you upload a program to the Arduino using your computer. These two (tx and rx) are available through pins 0 and 1 on the arduino. You will use these when use Xbee radio chips with the arduino.
The ICSP pins are used to program the arduino with a external programmer , if you decide not to use the user friendly IDE built for us.
The reset button needless to say, makes the arduino start from square one.
The Arduino gives you 13 input/ output digital pins. Of these 6 are PMW (pulse width modulation) enabled. There are three ground pins and 6 analog input pins.
There are many variations of the Arduino:
The Arduino hardware specifications are openly available, which means you do not need to buy the board. If you have the heart , you can build it from scratch.
Time now to put your creative hats on and make something wonderful. See you around :)