Sunday, 16 August 2015

Tracker Camera

I will start with : It was a difficult project . Very challenging.
From learning to work with servos, to using the opencv library , to getting my mind around using a raspberry pi , this was one hell of a learning experience.
The camera basically tracks objects based on their unique colour. The camera feeds what it sees into a raspberry pi , which then uses its computing might , to threshold , morph, and the extract features , all in real time. The extracted coordinate of the centroid of the object are then used to position , the servos. This ,trust me, is no easy task. All of this is implemented using the opencv library for image processing. The GPIO library(wiring pi) for raspberry pi helps me interface with the servos.
I spent a lot of time on this project. It has made me fall in love with the raspberry pi.
Post this project , what has mostly changed is my hair pulling threshold ( meaning the failed attempts after which I start to pull my hair). This has definitely increased, for good.
Here , have a look at what came of the madness :